Editor's choice: 5 things to do this March

Foto: Simon Bang

By Annika Løbnitz Skjoldborg,

Digital Marketing Assistant and part of the editorial staff who each month share their personal tips to Copenhagen.

The first month of spring is finally here. This is when green buds start appearing on the trees and the locals get a bit ahead of themselves and start sipping rosé in the sun. The craziest might even put on a pair of shorts and catch themselves a cold. We’ve gathered five awesome activities in a mix of outdoor and indoor experiences - just in case the weather isn't on our side, to help you kick in the spring in Copenhagen.

Also check out this guide to Copenhagen in the spring.


Discover the brush strokes of the late Anna Ancher

One of Denmark’s finest female artist is getting a lot of well-deserved attention this spring. The National Gallery of Denmark has curated a solo retrospective Anna Ancher exhibition, and it’s worth a visit. Anna Ancher was the impressionistic queen of light, making a trip through her impressive catalogue of art perfectly fit for celebrating the arrival of spring. A glance at her work will leave you with a warm, sunny feeling - ready to conquer the brighter months ahead.

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Hop in the saddle on a bike route through the outskirts of Copenhagen

The warmer it gets, the more enjoyable biking becomes, and thus March can be the perfect month for a day trip in the saddle. With this 31-kilometre long route, you can bike in the steps of six forgotten giants made out of recycled wood by the Danish artist, Thomas Dambo. An added bonus is that you will get a good glance of the green scenery that lies beyond the city, as you pass through six different municipalities on the outskirts of Copenhagen.

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Enjoy a sunny moment at a sidewalk café

A beloved activity of many locals is placing their bums in the seat of a sidewalk café and letting the rays of the sun gently warm their skin while they sip on a glass of something. The closer to summer we get, the harder these seats are to come across, so now is the time to start looking for that perfect sunny spot. With their outdoor seats and extensive wine menu, the restaurant Mêlée, located on a sunny spot on Martensens Allé in beautiful Frederiksberg, is a solid choice for a sunny sidewalk café moment.

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Expand your mind at CPH:DOX - one of the largest documentary festivals in the world

CPH:DOX is Copenhagen’s International Documentary Festival. If you’re looking to expand your mind and learn something new, CPH:DOX is the perfect fit. This year the theme is Movements, and the interpretations of the theme will take you anywhere from rebellion against globalisation in France, to a club in New York to the colonial era in 18th century Haiti. The documentaries are shown in theatres and museums all over the city.

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Join a communal dinner

With the arrival of spring, the local Copenhageners come out from their winter hiatus and get ready to mingle outside of their apartments. If you want to take part in the fun, a good place to do so is at one of the city's many communal dining offerings. A favourite of mine is the colourful gem Absalon, located on Sønder Boulevard in the hip neighbourhood of Vesterbro. Absalon hosts a communal dinner with 200 people every night, and here you’ll be sure to be chatted up by a friendly stranger.

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Want to explore further?

SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Undici | Martin Heiberg
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Sankt Thomas Plads | Astrid Maria Rasmussen
This is Frederiksberg
The Black Square in Superkilen Park in Nørrebro, Copenhagen.
Copenhagen in the spring
The Forgotten Giants
The Forgotten Giants