Editor's choice: Copenhagen in December

Foto: Daniel Rasmussen

By Annika Løbnitz Skjoldborg,

Digital Marketing Assistant and part of the editorial staff who each month share their personal tips to Copenhagen.

Hygge. Treats. Twinkling lights. Time spent with friends and family. Food. Copenhagen in December is not a bad place to be. It’s one of my favourite months, and though it gets dark early, the darkness disappears in holiday celebrations, when Copenhagen puts on its Christmas dress and lets everyone join in on the fun.   

In case you are wondering what to do in Copenhagen in December I've listed five things you should check out:


Visit the many Christmas markets

Since it’s December, the Christmas markets in Copenhagen are not to be missed. I love the classics that serve up Gløgg (mulled wine) and æbleskiver (a classic Danish Christmas treat), but the one I am the most excited for is Flid’s Christmas Market. It’s an art and design market where local artists, designers, and craftsmen sell their work, and it’s happening 30 November and 1 December in Nørrebrohallen.

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Catch the train for a day trip to Louisiana

Every now and then it’s nice to get out of the city, and one of my favourite activities when doing so is heading to Louisiana. Right now they have an exhibition with the American modern artist Marsden Hartley that I need to go see. The world class museum is located right by the sea, so going for a walk along the water while enjoying the village charm of Humlebæk is an added bonus to the day trip.

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Saint Lucy’s Kayak Parade

A December celebration in Denmark is the Saint Lucy’s Parade. In the classic parade a group of girls walks through the darkness in a long line holding candles in their hand, but Copenhagen, of course, has their own cool version. Each year the canals are filled with hundreds of kayaks decorated in lights and Christmas trees to make up what must be the coolest Saint Lucy’s Parade of all time. Seeing the kayaks pass by is a December tradition of mine.

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Go ice skating

I can’t think of a better winter activity than ice skating. In Copenhagen we have quite a few ice-skating rinks to choose from – my personal favourite being the classic ice rink at Frederiksberg Runddel. It’s located at the end of the beautiful Frederiksberg Allé and attracts loads of locals. This year a new rink is coming to town. It’ll be opening right by the Bridge Street Kitchen, so you can combine ice-skating with a tasteful street food meal.

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Gløgg at Hviids Vinstue

There’s no Danish December without Gløgg – a Scandinavian mulled wine made with almonds, raisins, and spices. If you’re looking for Gløgg, Hviids Vinstue is the ideal place to go. The pub has been around for more than 300 years, and apparently they serve more than 8.000 liters of their famous gløgg each year. It’s located in the center of the city and is loved by locals. I’ll be drinking a glass or two in the cozy basement.

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Want to know more?

We have plenty of inspiration for you to dig through. 

'tis the season (to visit Copenhagen)

Get in the Christmas mood with this little video capturing the special warm vibes transcending every cobblestone street and square in Copenhagen during December.