A sustainability guide to Copenhagen

Foto: Giuseppe Liverino

Get to know the green and sustainable Copenhagen and how you can make the most eco-friendly choices when visiting. Hit the streets and harbour baths with this guide made in collaboration with Copenhagen Municipality.

Eating out: When organic is the logical choice, not a luxury

The New Nordic Cuisine put Copenhagen on the culinary world map. It also sparked a revolution with its focus on local, organic ingredients in season. Today, this focus is maybe stronger than ever among restaurants in Copenhagen, and you’ll find many climate-friendly and organic eating options in all price ranges from noma, and Geranium to Reffen street food market.

In Copenhagen, buying organic produce is not considered a luxury, but merely logical. Organic food make up 24% of the total food sale in Copenhagen, and 88% of the food consumption in the City of Copenhagen’s public institutions is organic.


Architecture and urban development

Water, light, green spaces and innovative thinking are key elements in Copenhagen’s architectural development and some of the ingredients that combine sustainable actions with a high quality of life.

Sustainable activities and things to do in Copenhagen

We've gathered some ideas for environmentally-friendly things to do. Because your choices matter. 

Kayak Republic
Kayak Republic
The Forgotten Giants
The Forgotten Giants
Havnebadet Islands Brygge
Havnebadet Islands Brygge