Experiences in Odsherred and Hundested

Foto: Daniel Rasmussen

Explore dunes and beaches and fine coastland by bike, have a seafood treat, and a touch of raw slow life at the coast.


Local crafts rooted in Viking history

Backhaus-Brown & Glassmedjen - Working glass workshop, gallery & shop. Beautifully located at Hundested Harbour you will find Glassmedjen. The architectural lines of the building are designed with res...

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Take the short ferry ride across the Isefjord

Hundested-Rørvig Færgefart A / S. The connection on the Danish Riviera Up to 26 daily departures from each side in high season. The fastest route from North Sealand to Jutland via Molslinien from Sj...

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Hundested Havn
Foto: VisitNordsjælland

Hundested Havn

Hundested Havn ligger mellem fjord og hav og lige midt i byens centrum. Hundested Havn byder på alle tiders mulighed for at nyde den skønne natur, og i den gamle fiskerihavn finder man en kultur-og op...

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The sand-drift forest, beaches and dunes

No more rolling stones here, but a 3 km. long pristine beach with fine corned sand and the perfect place for a swim, weather permitting. Between the sand drift plantation and the sea are the most ex...

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Rørvig: Old harbour town and beloved summer destination

In the old town of Rørvig, neat, timbered houses with thatched roof, lies shoulder to shoulder. Take a stroll through the narrow streets, walk up the small hill to see the old windmill. On the way b...

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Take in the views of the fiord at Skansehage

Sea trout fishers in waders wait patiently for their prey a few meters from the shore at this beautiful tounge. It is mild here, and the plants and birdlife are abundant. Walk here or pull your bike...

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Kitesurfing at Lynæs

The more wind, the more surfers. Lynæs, close to Hundested, is building up a name in kitesurfing. Lynæs is situated behind the cape at Hundested. When a strong westerly wind hits the area, the Lynæs beach becomes a perfect place for kitesurfing.

Korshage | Nicolai Perjesi
Foto: Nicolai Perjesi


A rolling stone gathers no moss. And out here on the spit, where the sea meets the fiords, thousands of small rolling stones cover the shore and roll gently with the waves.