Østerbro: A family-friendly haven inbetween the city and the beach

Foto: Astrid Maria Rasmussen

Family-friendly, green, peaceful and affluent. That’s how the fashionable neighbourhood of Østerbro is labelled by many Copenhageners.

Join them at one of the many nice sidewalk cafés in the area, shop in the design stores that dot the main street or simply stroll the big park Fælledparken attracting people from all walks of life for picnick, sports, play and of course a football match.

Meet locals from all walks of life in the skate park and the rest of Fælledparken in Østerbro.Foto:Daniel Rasmussen

On the edge of Fælledparken you’ll find Telia Parken, Denmark’s national stadium, and in the top corner of it the gourmet restaurant Geranium – Denmark’s only three-starred Michelin restauarant – majestically overlooking the canopy. This combination of the democratic leisure activity and exclusive cuisine fits well with the vibe in Østerbro. Here, you’ll see expensive cars and luxury flats along with biking students, bodegas and lowkey cafés.

When strolling or biking through Østerbro, you’ll notice that life here is good.

Naturally, the locals love their neighbourhood, and with a peaceful atmosphere combined with open, green spaces and access to both beach and all the benefits of Copenhagen’s old city centre within walking distance, it’s easy to understand why.

Shopping for Danish design at Normann Copenhagen in Østerbro.

Danish design shopping at Normann Copenhagen in the Østerbro neighbourhood.Foto:Jeppe Sørensen

The area has status as one of Copenhagen’s more affluent neighbourhoods. This status comes with a natural selection of premium shopping and food options. But not just upscale ones:

Østerbro is at the same time for everyone and you’ll find great restaurants, cafés and shopping here not matter your budget.

Bopa Plads in Østerbro

Foto:Marie Sattrup

One thing that characterizes what could possibly be the greenest neighbourhood in Copenhagen is the variety of beautiful outside areas that make for a perfect walk, run or bike trip.

For instance by the popular lakes that curve through the capital separating the biggest neighbourhoods (City, Vesterbro, Nørrebro, Frederiksberg and Østerbro). Or the historic Citadel grounds, the Langelinie Park - home to the world-famous Little Mermaid, or at the fairly new public beach park Svanemøllen which also marks the Northeasternmost point of Østerbro.

Svanemøllen beach in Copenhagen

Svanemøllen in Østerbro is one among several newer beach pakes to enjoy Copenhagen's sandy beaches.Foto:Büro Jantzen

Østerbro is located by the end of the Copenhagen Lakes curving just outside the old ramparts from Vesterbro in one end and Østerbro in the other.

Unlock Østerbro with these guides

What to see and do in Østerbro
Gro Spiseri | Giuseppe Liverino
Where to eat in Østerbro
Portland Towers Nordhavn | Daniel Rasmussen
Why the new Nordhavn area is a hub for design and architecture
GOODS men's fashion store in Østerbro, Copenhagen
Best shopping in Østerbro
Cakes and patisserie at Leckerbaer, Copenhagen.
Sweet treats in Østerbro